Tuesday, August 5, 2008

2nd to Last Weekend in Denver

It is the end of another great week. The cast is beginning to learn the movement for the entire show. This past week dance and vocal sessions were combined, and everyone but the members of the band spent the day in the fifth floor auditorium learning show blocking. The members of the cast as well as the instrumentalists are very excited for Monday because the band will finally leave the basement and begin rehearsing with the entire cast on the big stage.

There is not much to tell about the weekend. Saturday was a normal rehearsal day at the Sherman complex, so Ryan, Javi and I spent Sunday sleeping and running errands with Colleen, our host mom. Colleen's daughter and son-in-law drove in from Pueblo, Colorado and have stayed with us for the past two days. My roommates and I had a lot of fun playing with their daughters Amber age 2 and Alana who is 5 months old. This blog is coming to you a day late because I fell asleep for 15 hours and was unable to get it to you yesterday. Although I did get a chance to watch No Country For Old Men which Ryan, Javi and I found to be a fantastic movie but Colleen thought otherwise.

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